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Current Directory: upstream/conway_polynomials
= Conway Polynomials Database =

== Description ==

 Contains a small database of Conway polynomials.

== SPKG Maintainers ==

 * R. Andrew Ohana <>
 * William Stein <>

== Dependencies ==

 * Sage library

== Changelog ==

=== conway_polynomials-0.4.p0 (Karl-Dieter Crisman, 13 February 2013) ===
 * #14075: Remove printing of primes while installing

=== conway_polynomials-0.4 (R. Andrew Ohana and William Stein, 18 June 2012) ===
 * #12205: Rewrite database to not use ZODB

=== conway_polynomials-0.3 (R. Andrew Ohana, 18 June 2012) ===
 * #13123: Move SAGE_DATA to SAGE_LOCAL/share/sage/data

=== conway_polynomials-early_versions (unknown, unknown) ===
 * previous version(s)
 * lost to history
conway-polynomials-0.8.tar.gz0.23 MB2024-03-20 23:34
MD5: ddc0e82da67120efc353a6ec29c4cca2
conway_polynomials-0.5.tar.bz20.21 MB2023-12-08 23:32
MD5: a2725ba21f44554196781424d957f68a
conway_polynomials-0.4.tar.bz20.21 MB2016-01-07 23:29
MD5: 17f061204b3a6133abb21e17b3abea19